Ava Women | UX/UI Improvements

How might we increase accuracy perception and compliance?

Quick solutions to increase the accuracy of the algorithm, helping users to use more the bracelet and the app.

UX Designer
Sketch | Abstract | Zeplin | Invision
June - July 2019

The best solution in this case also coincided with the minimum effort, given the limited resources allocated to this project. This involves many constraints but it is precisely when there are constraints that it becomes challenging and when something is challenging it is also fulfilling once completed.
We had very limited resources:
  • We needed a solution that required not more than 10 days of implementation (a lot of other bigger projects were going on).
  • We didn’t want to do backend work on the algorythm.


Thanks to an NPS survey we found out that Ava users were complaining about accuracy (13 % after 1 month and 18.8% after 3 months).


- How might we increase accuracy perception and compliance?
- How might we improve the signal quality that reach the algorithm therefore increase trust?

Ava is a women’s health company based in Zurich, San Francisco, Makati and Belgrade. The company's initial product consists of a sophisticated sensor bracelet, an app and a powerful backend with self-learning algorithms for interpretation of hormonal changes, accurate ovulation tracking and screening of women's health issues.
This is a semplified explanation on how Ava works 👇🏽


During step 2 (brainstorming and discussion) we asked ourself some questions considering the whole user journey end to end:

  • User expectations and general knowledge
    - Is the functioning of the bracelet explained in an easy-to-understand way?
    - Does the user have the right expectations?

  • User wearing the bracelet?
    - Is she wearing it on the same hand at the same tighness everynight?
    - Is the device charged and ready to record?

  • Data recording
    - Are the sensors reporting the right data?
    - Are the data stored without losing important information?

  • Data trasfer
    - Are the correct results transferred?
    - Can the user sync her data?

  • Data displayed in the app
    - Are the correct results displayed
    - How fast is the system’s response?

  • User interpretation
    - Are the results easy to understand?
    - Does the user understand the results?
    - Are the users complaining?

Having asked ourself these questions, we started talking with users and we sent out a survey to collect some more data.
One of the biggest finding we had was that users were forgetting to wear the bracelet 👇🏽

To tackle the problem we identify and implemented different solutions, some on the hardware and some in the software - here below some changes we did to the bracelet and to the printed guide they receive when they buy the device.

Strap: the loop with the “nose” should be replaced by a regular loop because it was making it difficult to put  the bracelet on.
IFU: Changes in the IFU should include explanations on how to wear the bracelet (i.e. below the wrist bone, at the same strap notch every night).

Software solutions:
We did some small changes like adding the LED explanation in app to make it easier to our user to “read” what’s going on with the hardware, but the two main tweaks were the following:

  • Compliance messages on the dashboard during the cycle
    Depending on the cycle day (CD) and on how much the user syncs, she will get a different message on the dashboard to increase engagment, sync more and therefore improve the algo, which then leads to a better accuracy.

  • Reminder / Push notification to wear Ava at selected time:
    We introduced the possibility for our users to receive push notification as a reminder to put on the bracelet before going to sleep.

Change is a constant in a startup and unfortunately, after we released, all the resources were allocated on different projects and we were not really able to properly monitor....but we definitely saw that our users enjoyed the new features - in our community in Facebook.

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