Ava Women | Brand projects

Ava Women visuals

In Ava Women I was a UX/UI Designer and I was involved in all the main projects related to the mobile app (iOS & Android). For this projects I was wearing, instead, the graphic designer hat playing a bit with the brand.

Brand Designer

Mainly Illustrator


Ebook cover

The graphic design team was working on a new ebook and they asked me if I could help them designing the cover: I tried to make the topic explicit yet branded and a bit "pop", perfectly in line with the content.

Company Value Posters

One day my direct manager came to my desk asking me if I had some time to spend on a "light task": design some posters with the company values to hang on the office walls. I played with fonts and here you see the outcome.

All the posters are now hanging on the wall and we also did a small notebook with them on the cover.

There is an explanation for each font chosen for the letters:

A - Appreciate, praise, listen
I took inspiration from this kind of lamps because when you appreciate or listen to someone, all “your lights” are on him.

V - Verify with data
Verify with data has something to do with geometry, measures, numbers.

A - Aspire for personal growth
It seems to me that this font is growing, moving, dancing which makes it a good fit for this value.

T - Take initiative
This T is, at the same time, “strict” and “curvy”: it seems that it’s telling us to not be afraid of being / doing something different, that it’s ok to take initiatives!

A - Accountable for our actions
This letter seems to me very grounded and very responsible for its shape.

R - Represent the customer interests
Self explanatory: our heart is our customers.

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